get a grip .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Title: Get a grip .
i'm weird , i get these feelings but i begin to lose them .
they were only for a short time but for that short time,
i thought it was really good for that time : it surged through
me , beginning for my "heart" to my brain stem .
later on , it reached my brain , and permanently left my heart.
emotionally drained , my heart and mind were romantically apart .
with no agreement , it turns out my heart lied -not my mind.
my heart was foolish like me , and it forgot to remind
me of the reasons that my mind said to me , which refined me.
passion over principle , desire over reason .
remind me to say that to my heart next time ,
to stop me from my bliss' treason .


No one else

Friday, March 26, 2010

Title: No one else
it’s been on and off , the (me + you) equation ,
i constantly refer to it , confuse myself leading in to persuasion.
then I stop, thinking that you stopped .
thinking that I was just misinterpreting it,
so I dropped .
maybe , it was not for me but for someone else .
but when you’re near these messages come back & I get the feeling that they
are for me , no one else .
I hope that when you read this , you will clearly see that truly my messages are for you .
i need you to tell me that all of my conclusions are true .


It's Infatuation

Friday, October 23, 2009

Title: It's Infatuation .
i'm trying to inhale all of this .
seeing you , i can resist .
but trying to so hard to get to you ,
is something you need to do .

for me .

well that's attractive ,
the ways you try to get close ,
gets my heart to become hyperactive .
it's beats and beats ,
does yours do that too ?

for me .

i've realized that everything that's happening
is for me .
this won't be as good as real love can be .
i've realized that this is infatuation .
it's meant to get you caught up in bad decisions .
it's meant to screw you over .
it's meant to tell you that you need more luck ,
go find a fourleafclover .
it's infatuation , because i wanted all of this for me .
lies , fantasies , jealousy ,
it's infatuation .


It .

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Title: It .
It your veins , not even blood can fight It .
goes through , faster than anything straight to your pit .
It doesn't dissappear , but It will if you fight It .
It comes from your peers and you can admit ,
that you do not want It to leave
" Stay " through everything
you go through .
It wants you to know that It will never leave ,
its dissappearing act is untrue .
Nothing will fight It , not even you .
It helps you and me , that's what you think .
But realize that It , helps you through forever even when you're not in sync .
"I want this forever" , you want It .
It pulls you through , like a rope .
You probably think i'm talking about y'know -dope
sorry but there are no drugs in my system .
This It is hope .


Life's Good and Love is all we need .

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Title: Life's Good and Love is all we need .
Life's Good . You need to realize that even if we are misunderstood. But there are times when we need to trully appreciate life. People who think life is horrible are seeing things from the wrong view, they go to the knife. DON'T DO THAT !Life's Good . Forget the recession, forget those possessions, get out of that "depression". Do that if you could. Life's Good . And Love is all we need. I want to erase the hate that we have , and turn it into something positive indeed. Hate is the reason why we're in the recession, Hate is the reason why we always want our most expensive possessions. Hate is the reason why people are in depression. Life's Good and LOVE is all we need . If you still think you life sucks, just view things in a different perspective. Stop seeing things in a bad way when you should view things in a happier way, that`s the objective. You should be happy that you have all these things if you`re reading this right now. You have a computer to read this post with , while others in the world haven`t read this because they're busy looking for something to eat. Plus while you're reading this, you have a seat. Other people sit on the floor , and they don't even know how to read. So here's my point change you're point of view. Be Happy with everyone like how i am with you.Life's Good and LOVE is all we need .
